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When you normalize a situation or when it normalizes, it becomes normal. - Collins Dictionary
Can be a tool manipulator to desensitize a person to behaviour that they normally would not accept or agree to.
The victim may feel in normal circumstances that abusive, manipulative, inappropriate behaviour is unacceptable, but with careful persuasion and manipulator can convince the victim to accept such bad things as “normal” or “the norm”, acceptable, (such as in a marriage), and to the abused this abuse becomes normal-living, daily life, acceptable as it becomes a habit, and the person being abused has no idea in the end that the abuse is abuse - and can even side with the manipulator against anyone trying to help the victim.
The manipulator can convince the victim if given the chance to accept things that are against the victims beliefs, against what the victim feels is accepted behaviour, or even against the law.
“Just because something is normal in a culture does not make it ethically sound.
Normal merely means there is a social consensus that it is held as self-evidently
"true", predominantly precluding further critical examination of the matter.” - Kevin
I know of a few cases where the abusers tell their young or gullible victims
that the manipulator and the victim “have a special secret” (the abuse such as sexual
etc). The manipulator/s will tell the victims that “the Police, don’t understand”,
and “The Police don’t understand us, and that is why this must remain our little
secret” and the easily led victim/s backs up and supports the manipulator who is
abusing them and can even try to defend the manipulator in court (Stockholm Syndrome).
The person could be desensitized about love. Lose real compassion and stops seeking an emotional compassionate loving relationship) and in its place accept what is abnormal, not right, what is abuse.
As the victim grows up the feelings of love is discarded mentally and replaced with acceptance of the abusers as loving and the acceptance of the abuse as the norm, normal, therefore in the victims mind the abuse is accepted, defended, protected, and enjoyed.
If the victim is removed from the abusers and the situation, the victim see’s the reality, lies and truth, and the situation for what it was.
When a person is being coerced into believing something that is not normal then he or she will get a instant feeling to reject the idea, but will then with the help of the manipulator convince themselves that what is abuse is normal or what is not good for them or even thir own children is normal.
“Some of the most evil human beings in the world are psychiatrists. Not all psychiatrists.
Some psychiatrists are selfless, caring people who really want to help.
But the sad truth is that in today's society, mental health isn't a science.
It's an industry. Ritalin, Zoloft, Prozac, Lexapro, Resperidone, happy pills that are supposed to "normalize" the behavior of our families, our colleagues, our friends - tell me that doesn't sound the least bit creepy! Mental health is subjective. To us, a little girl talking to her pretend friends instead of other children might just be harmless playing around. To a psychiatrist, it's a financial opportunity. Automatically, the kid could be swept up in a sea of labels. "not talking to other kids? Okay, she's asocial!" or "imaginary friends? Bingo, she has schizophrenia!"
I'm not saying in any way that schizophrenia and social disorders aren't real. But the alarming number of people, especially children, who seem to have these "illnesses" and need to be medicated or locked up... it's horrifying. The psychiatrists get their prestigious reputation and their money to burn. The drug companies get fast cash and a chance to claim that they've discovered a wonder-drug, capable of "curing" anyone who might be a burden on society... that's what it's all about. It's not about really talking to these troubled people and finding out what they need. It's about giving them a pill that fits a pattern, a weapon to normalize people who might make society uncomfortable. The psychiatrists get their weapon. Today's generations get cheated out of their childhoods.
The mental health industry takes the world's most vulnerable people and messes with their heads, giving them controlled substances just because they don't fit the normal puzzle. And sadly, it's more or less going to get worse in this rapidly advancing century.”
- Rebecca McNutt.
“Don’t say to yourself, ‘Everyone argues!’ to justify and normalise your fighting, when the most natural thing is to love.” - Kamand Kojouri.
If a child grows up being told that unacceptable doings/actions/beliefs are normal, then the child has been taught the process of themselves being trained to accept something that is wrong. As an adult that child can then be further manipulated into accepting the unacceptable as the norm because that is basically the process the child was brought up with. - James M Sandbrook.
We have to be careful that in our acceptance of new laws, idea’s, that we may be being convinced that what is not good, not normal, not acceptable for a true loving future, could be a case of people that we love and trust normalizing our minds to accept what we normally would not accept for their own personal gain.
All the best from
James M Sandbrook.
3rd of February, 2021.
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